Project Outline:

''Effects of hydrogen sulphide on autophagy: a tissue culture study''
Over the next 8 weeks I'll be culturing HeLa cells and exposing them to up and down regulation of intracellular hydroden sulphide levels, using drug tre
atments, siRNAs and plasmids coding for its generative enzymes CBS an
d CSE. We will then ascertain hydrogen sulphides effects on autophagy (if any), primarily by confocal fluorescence microscopy, gel electrophoresis and western blot analysis.

Monday 11 June 2012

First day on the job! Come at me science.

Seven hours, five coffees and a two inch high stack of scientific papers later, I've completed my first day at The Campus for Ageing and Vitality =D
It was no mean feat reading through, assimilating and annotating almost 14 papers, representing the best part of a decades worth of primary research into autophagys regulation, mechanisms and relationships to health and disease. I've certainly come out of it with a better understanding of why my research is necessary and how I'm going to go about conducting my work. But needless to say I spent most of the afternoon in bed resting up. I'm all scienced-out (-.-) Zzzz

A little bit of homework to be getting on with.
The campus is a brand new development evidently in the throws of establishing itself. A handfull of researchers and other academics have set up shop in the brand new kitted-out labs and are busily science-ing day and night, and more equipment and staff seem set to arrive over the summer in what will become a major research hub.  My first day consisted mainly of admin and getting acquainted with my surroundings, but I got to see some of the kit I'll be playing with over the coming weeks and tomorrow I should be throwing on the white coat and shadowing some researchers in the lab, hopefully whilst doing some wet-work of my own!

A confocal microscope; I'll be trained in its use tomorrow. The device is used to produce images like the cells seen in my previous posts.

It's all very exciting stuff. But for now, I best hit the hay (again) so I'm not falling asleep in my petri-dishes tomorrow!

And on that note:

If it's good enough for Neil Patrick Harris, it's good enough for me.

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